Saturday, June 28, 2014

MY Why

My WHY for Joining AmeriPlan
I have always wanted to be able to work from home. I have tried many different things through the years.  I found myself searching again last summer as I need to have more income and have become very sick of working at my job.

The 3 Biggest Reasons I must be Successful
    1)      My Son and Husband
·         To have more time to spend with both of them
·         To help take some of the stress often my husband (Kris) of not being able to find consistent work

2) My Horses - in order to support my herd of seven. I do not want to be forced to get rid of any of our herd.  Below you will be introduced to each one in my herd. I have saved most of these horses from bad situations.  I do not want to see any of them have to leave there home here with me because I am no longer able to take care of them.

Here are pictures:

Blaze is 15 years old; I have had him since he was about 2 ½ years old. When we got him he was really thin and a very scared feller. If you tried to lift his feet he would automatically become defensive.  Over a period of time we were able to get him to accept us and he realized that we weren’t going to hurt him.  Blaze is also Sun Dancer and Nem’s farther.